Horses, winter and water are simple – ThermoBar has ice-free and convenient solutions that give your animals water at the perfect temperature all year round. Ice free in the winter and cool in the summer – in the paddock, box stalls or stables.
All of ThermoBar’s work is based on our belief that horses, cattle and other animals should live a life that is as natural and free as possible, with free access to water regardless of environment and climate. Our solution is insulated and heated water troughs with manual or automatic refilling systems for paddocks, box stalls and stables. For colder areas, where pipes need to be dug down below the frost line, we have float valves and connections that can withstand the cold to the same level as the trough – down to about -40 degrees Celsius. With ThermoBar troughs in stables, you can quickly make savings as the need for heating is greatly reduced – the cost for the power needed to heat a ThermoBar is a fraction of how much it costs to heat a stable.
ThermoBar’s products are designed, developed and tested in Sweden in partnership with veterinarians. The strong, cold-resistant plastic that we use in all our ThermoBars is certified food safe, which means it does not contain any toxic chemicals or allergy-causing substances. We make our products in Sweden and have very few intermediaries, giving our customers high quality and good service at low prices.
Our products have outstanding quality, and all of them come with a three-year guarantee. If you need help or advice before, during or after you purchase a ThermoBar product, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.